Dataset statistics
Number of variables | 11 |
Number of observations | 880848 |
Missing cells | 709050 |
Missing cells (%) | 7.3% |
Duplicate rows | 1907 |
Duplicate rows (%) | 0.2% |
Total size in memory | 73.9 MiB |
Average record size in memory | 88.0 B |
Variable types
Categorical | 7 |
Numeric | 3 |
Unsupported | 1 |
Dataset has 1907 (0.2%) duplicate rows | Duplicates |
month has a high cardinality: 393 distinct values | High cardinality |
block has a high cardinality: 2616 distinct values | High cardinality |
street_name has a high cardinality: 579 distinct values | High cardinality |
floor_area_sqm is highly correlated with lease_commence_date and 1 other fields | High correlation |
lease_commence_date is highly correlated with floor_area_sqm and 1 other fields | High correlation |
resale_price is highly correlated with floor_area_sqm and 1 other fields | High correlation |
floor_area_sqm is highly correlated with resale_price | High correlation |
lease_commence_date is highly correlated with resale_price | High correlation |
resale_price is highly correlated with floor_area_sqm and 1 other fields | High correlation |
flat_type is highly correlated with flat_model | High correlation |
flat_model is highly correlated with flat_type | High correlation |
town is highly correlated with flat_model and 1 other fields | High correlation |
flat_type is highly correlated with floor_area_sqm and 1 other fields | High correlation |
floor_area_sqm is highly correlated with flat_type and 3 other fields | High correlation |
flat_model is highly correlated with town and 4 other fields | High correlation |
lease_commence_date is highly correlated with town and 3 other fields | High correlation |
resale_price is highly correlated with floor_area_sqm and 2 other fields | High correlation |
remaining_lease has 709050 (80.5%) missing values | Missing |
remaining_lease is an unsupported type, check if it needs cleaning or further analysis | Unsupported |
Analysis started | 2022-11-05 03:40:26.524991 |
Analysis finished | 2022-11-05 03:40:40.617995 |
Duration | 14.09 seconds |
Software version | pandas-profiling v3.1.0 |
Download configuration | config.json |
Distinct | 393 |
Distinct (%) | < 0.1% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Memory size | 6.7 MiB |
1999-03 | 6465 |
1999-06 | 5861 |
1998-10 | 5709 |
1999-04 | 5698 |
1999-05 | 5671 |
Other values (388) |
Common Values
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
1999-03 | 6465 | 0.7% |
1999-06 | 5861 | 0.7% |
1998-10 | 5709 | 0.6% |
1999-04 | 5698 | 0.6% |
1999-05 | 5671 | 0.6% |
1999-07 | 5493 | 0.6% |
1999-08 | 5209 | 0.6% |
1998-11 | 4993 | 0.6% |
1998-12 | 4988 | 0.6% |
1999-02 | 4834 | 0.5% |
Other values (383) | 825927 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
1999-03 | 6465 | 0.7% |
1999-06 | 5861 | 0.7% |
1998-10 | 5709 | 0.6% |
1999-04 | 5698 | 0.6% |
1999-05 | 5671 | 0.6% |
1999-07 | 5493 | 0.6% |
1999-08 | 5209 | 0.6% |
1998-11 | 4993 | 0.6% |
1998-12 | 4988 | 0.6% |
1999-02 | 4834 | 0.5% |
Other values (383) | 825927 |
Most occurring characters
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most occurring categories
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per category
Most occurring scripts
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per script
Most occurring blocks
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per block
Distinct | 27 |
Distinct (%) | < 0.1% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Memory size | 6.7 MiB |
Other values (22) |
Max length | 15 |
Median length | 9 |
Mean length | 9.029695248 |
Min length | 5 |
Characters and Unicode
Total characters | 0 |
Distinct characters | 0 |
Distinct categories | 0 ? |
Distinct scripts | 0 ? |
Distinct blocks | 0 ? |
Unique | 0 ? |
Unique (%) | 0.0% |
1st row | JURONG WEST |
2nd row | JURONG EAST |
3rd row | JURONG EAST |
4th row | JURONG EAST |
5th row | JURONG EAST |
Common Values
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
TAMPINES | 76922 | 8.7% |
YISHUN | 66779 | 7.6% |
BEDOK | 64355 | 7.3% |
JURONG WEST | 63704 | 7.2% |
WOODLANDS | 61874 | 7.0% |
ANG MO KIO | 50307 | 5.7% |
HOUGANG | 48257 | 5.5% |
BUKIT BATOK | 41969 | 4.8% |
CHOA CHU KANG | 36180 | 4.1% |
BUKIT MERAH | 32650 | 3.7% |
Other values (17) | 337851 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
bukit | 103322 | 7.8% |
jurong | 87623 | 6.6% |
tampines | 76922 | 5.8% |
yishun | 66779 | 5.1% |
bedok | 64355 | 4.9% |
west | 63704 | 4.8% |
woodlands | 61874 | 4.7% |
ang | 50307 | 3.8% |
mo | 50307 | 3.8% |
kio | 50307 | 3.8% |
Other values (27) | 646239 |
Most occurring characters
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most occurring categories
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per category
Most occurring scripts
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per script
Most occurring blocks
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per block
Distinct | 8 |
Distinct (%) | < 0.1% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Memory size | 6.7 MiB |
4 ROOM | |
3 ROOM | |
5 ROOM | |
2 ROOM | 10632 |
Other values (3) | 1823 |
Common Values
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
4 ROOM | 332214 | |
3 ROOM | 284617 | |
5 ROOM | 184725 | |
EXECUTIVE | 66837 | 7.6% |
2 ROOM | 10632 | 1.2% |
1 ROOM | 1292 | 0.1% |
MULTI GENERATION | 279 | < 0.1% |
MULTI-GENERATION | 252 | < 0.1% |
Pie chart
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
room | 813480 | |
4 | 332214 | |
3 | 284617 | 16.8% |
5 | 184725 | 10.9% |
executive | 66837 | 3.9% |
2 | 10632 | 0.6% |
1 | 1292 | 0.1% |
multi | 279 | < 0.1% |
generation | 279 | < 0.1% |
multi-generation | 252 | < 0.1% |
Most occurring characters
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most occurring categories
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per category
Most occurring scripts
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per script
Most occurring blocks
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per block
Distinct | 2616 |
Distinct (%) | 0.3% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Memory size | 6.7 MiB |
2 | 4475 |
1 | 3919 |
110 | 3307 |
101 | 3301 |
4 | 3245 |
Other values (2611) |
Common Values
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
2 | 4475 | 0.5% |
1 | 3919 | 0.4% |
110 | 3307 | 0.4% |
101 | 3301 | 0.4% |
4 | 3245 | 0.4% |
8 | 3208 | 0.4% |
113 | 3192 | 0.4% |
107 | 3121 | 0.4% |
3 | 3111 | 0.4% |
114 | 3096 | 0.4% |
Other values (2606) | 846873 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
2 | 4475 | 0.5% |
1 | 3919 | 0.4% |
110 | 3307 | 0.4% |
101 | 3301 | 0.4% |
4 | 3245 | 0.4% |
8 | 3208 | 0.4% |
113 | 3192 | 0.4% |
107 | 3121 | 0.4% |
3 | 3111 | 0.4% |
114 | 3096 | 0.4% |
Other values (2606) | 846873 |
Most occurring characters
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most occurring categories
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per category
Most occurring scripts
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per script
Most occurring blocks
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per block
Distinct | 579 |
Distinct (%) | 0.1% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Memory size | 6.7 MiB |
YISHUN RING RD | 16891 |
ANG MO KIO AVE 10 | 13401 |
ANG MO KIO AVE 3 | 11833 |
HOUGANG AVE 8 | 9036 |
Other values (574) |
Max length | 22 |
Median length | 14 |
Mean length | 14.01041042 |
Min length | 7 |
Characters and Unicode
Total characters | 0 |
Distinct characters | 0 |
Distinct categories | 0 ? |
Distinct scripts | 0 ? |
Distinct blocks | 0 ? |
Unique | 1 ? |
Unique (%) | < 0.1% |
1st row | BOON LAY DR |
2nd row | JURONG EAST ST 31 |
3rd row | JURONG EAST ST 21 |
4th row | PANDAN GDNS |
5th row | JURONG EAST ST 24 |
Common Values
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
YISHUN RING RD | 16891 | 1.9% |
BEDOK RESERVOIR RD | 14282 | 1.6% |
ANG MO KIO AVE 10 | 13401 | 1.5% |
ANG MO KIO AVE 3 | 11833 | 1.3% |
HOUGANG AVE 8 | 9036 | 1.0% |
TAMPINES ST 21 | 8042 | 0.9% |
BEDOK NTH ST 3 | 7340 | 0.8% |
BEDOK NTH RD | 7246 | 0.8% |
ANG MO KIO AVE 4 | 7013 | 0.8% |
MARSILING DR | 6444 | 0.7% |
Other values (569) | 779320 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
st | 275144 | 9.7% |
ave | 224615 | 7.9% |
rd | 149428 | 5.3% |
west | 70430 | 2.5% |
dr | 68235 | 2.4% |
tampines | 68075 | 2.4% |
yishun | 66779 | 2.4% |
jurong | 63628 | 2.2% |
1 | 53029 | 1.9% |
bedok | 52407 | 1.9% |
Other values (320) | 1738152 |
Most occurring characters
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most occurring categories
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per category
Most occurring scripts
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per script
Most occurring blocks
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per block
Distinct | 25 |
Distinct (%) | < 0.1% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Memory size | 6.7 MiB |
04 TO 06 | |
07 TO 09 | |
01 TO 03 | |
10 TO 12 | |
13 TO 15 | |
Other values (20) |
Common Values
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
04 TO 06 | 222011 | |
07 TO 09 | 200273 | |
01 TO 03 | 178379 | |
10 TO 12 | 170193 | |
13 TO 15 | 57640 | 6.5% |
16 TO 18 | 22092 | 2.5% |
19 TO 21 | 10516 | 1.2% |
22 TO 24 | 6848 | 0.8% |
25 TO 27 | 3027 | 0.3% |
01 TO 05 | 2700 | 0.3% |
Other values (15) | 7169 | 0.8% |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
to | 880848 | |
06 | 224485 | 8.5% |
04 | 222011 | 8.4% |
07 | 200273 | 7.6% |
09 | 200273 | 7.6% |
01 | 181079 | 6.9% |
03 | 178379 | 6.8% |
10 | 172667 | 6.5% |
12 | 170193 | 6.4% |
15 | 58899 | 2.2% |
Other values (30) | 153437 | 5.8% |
Most occurring characters
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most occurring categories
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per category
Most occurring scripts
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per script
Most occurring blocks
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per block
Distinct | 209 |
Distinct (%) | < 0.1% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Mean | 95.70626726 |
Minimum | 28 |
Maximum | 307 |
Zeros | 0 |
Zeros (%) | 0.0% |
Negative | 0 |
Negative (%) | 0.0% |
Memory size | 6.7 MiB |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | 28 |
5-th percentile | 60 |
Q1 | 73 |
median | 93 |
Q3 | 113 |
95-th percentile | 145 |
Maximum | 307 |
Range | 279 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 40 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 25.93102825 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | 0.270943889 |
Kurtosis | -0.3630683132 |
Mean | 95.70626726 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 20 |
Skewness | 0.3703632387 |
Sum | 84302674.1 |
Variance | 672.4182262 |
Monotonicity | Not monotonic |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
67 | 66600 | 7.6% |
104 | 45675 | 5.2% |
68 | 37494 | 4.3% |
84 | 35086 | 4.0% |
121 | 28465 | 3.2% |
92 | 27785 | 3.2% |
73 | 27374 | 3.1% |
91 | 25908 | 2.9% |
65 | 25776 | 2.9% |
103 | 25617 | 2.9% |
Other values (199) | 535068 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
28 | 33 | < 0.1% |
29 | 420 | |
31 | 839 | |
34 | 75 | < 0.1% |
35 | 22 | < 0.1% |
37 | 12 | < 0.1% |
38 | 154 | < 0.1% |
39 | 146 | < 0.1% |
40 | 744 | |
41 | 368 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
307 | 1 | < 0.1% |
297 | 2 | < 0.1% |
280 | 4 | < 0.1% |
266 | 4 | < 0.1% |
261 | 6 | < 0.1% |
259 | 2 | < 0.1% |
250 | 3 | < 0.1% |
249 | 3 | < 0.1% |
246 | 2 | < 0.1% |
243 | 16 |
Distinct | 21 |
Distinct (%) | < 0.1% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Memory size | 6.7 MiB |
Other values (16) |
Max length | 22 |
Median length | 8 |
Mean length | 9.653708699 |
Min length | 4 |
Characters and Unicode
Total characters | 0 |
Distinct characters | 0 |
Distinct categories | 0 ? |
Distinct scripts | 0 ? |
Distinct blocks | 0 ? |
Unique | 0 ? |
Unique (%) | 0.0% |
1st row | IMPROVED |
2nd row | NEW GENERATION |
3rd row | NEW GENERATION |
4th row | NEW GENERATION |
5th row | NEW GENERATION |
Common Values
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
MODEL A | 246730 | |
IMPROVED | 230874 | |
NEW GENERATION | 183648 | |
SIMPLIFIED | 55842 | 6.3% |
PREMIUM APARTMENT | 41949 | 4.8% |
STANDARD | 41426 | 4.7% |
APARTMENT | 34070 | 3.9% |
MAISONETTE | 28570 | 3.2% |
MODEL A2 | 9631 | 1.1% |
DBSS | 2785 | 0.3% |
Other values (11) | 5323 | 0.6% |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
model | 258361 | |
a | 246730 | |
improved | 230874 | |
generation | 184179 | |
new | 183648 | |
apartment | 76111 | 5.6% |
simplified | 55842 | 4.1% |
premium | 42127 | 3.1% |
standard | 41426 | 3.0% |
maisonette | 28656 | 2.1% |
Other values (14) | 19407 | 1.4% |
Most occurring characters
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most occurring categories
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per category
Most occurring scripts
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per script
Most occurring blocks
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
No values found. |
Most frequent character per block
Distinct | 54 |
Distinct (%) | < 0.1% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Mean | 1987.764496 |
Minimum | 1966 |
Maximum | 2019 |
Zeros | 0 |
Zeros (%) | 0.0% |
Negative | 0 |
Negative (%) | 0.0% |
Memory size | 6.7 MiB |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | 1966 |
5-th percentile | 1973 |
Q1 | 1980 |
median | 1986 |
Q3 | 1995 |
95-th percentile | 2005 |
Maximum | 2019 |
Range | 53 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 15 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 10.12490047 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | 0.005093611687 |
Kurtosis | 0.1887217129 |
Mean | 1987.764496 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 7 |
Skewness | 0.5673714838 |
Sum | 1750918381 |
Variance | 102.5136095 |
Monotonicity | Not monotonic |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
1985 | 84941 | 9.6% |
1984 | 61582 | 7.0% |
1988 | 49161 | 5.6% |
1987 | 41559 | 4.7% |
1978 | 40185 | 4.6% |
1986 | 37495 | 4.3% |
1989 | 31215 | 3.5% |
1980 | 31144 | 3.5% |
1979 | 30090 | 3.4% |
1997 | 29729 | 3.4% |
Other values (44) | 443747 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
1966 | 30 | < 0.1% |
1967 | 5988 | 0.7% |
1968 | 1838 | 0.2% |
1969 | 8160 | |
1970 | 11090 | |
1971 | 7687 | |
1972 | 5649 | 0.6% |
1973 | 8378 | |
1974 | 14133 | |
1975 | 16872 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
2019 | 43 | < 0.1% |
2018 | 1219 | 0.1% |
2017 | 3474 | |
2016 | 4998 | |
2015 | 8307 | |
2014 | 3043 | 0.3% |
2013 | 4568 | |
2012 | 4248 | |
2011 | 2349 | 0.3% |
2010 | 1201 | 0.1% |
Distinct | 9005 |
Distinct (%) | 1.0% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Mean | 307367.7417 |
Minimum | 5000 |
Maximum | 1418000 |
Zeros | 0 |
Zeros (%) | 0.0% |
Negative | 0 |
Negative (%) | 0.0% |
Memory size | 6.7 MiB |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | 5000 |
5-th percentile | 87035 |
Q1 | 188000 |
median | 286000 |
Q3 | 400000 |
95-th percentile | 600000 |
Maximum | 1418000 |
Range | 1413000 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 212000 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 159259.3219 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | 0.51813935 |
Kurtosis | 1.233728232 |
Mean | 307367.7417 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 105500 |
Skewness | 0.8818419284 |
Sum | 2.707442605 × 1011 |
Variance | 2.53635316 × 1010 |
Monotonicity | Not monotonic |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
300000 | 6752 | 0.8% |
280000 | 6503 | 0.7% |
350000 | 6494 | 0.7% |
320000 | 6334 | 0.7% |
250000 | 6262 | 0.7% |
260000 | 5980 | 0.7% |
400000 | 5957 | 0.7% |
380000 | 5872 | 0.7% |
360000 | 5865 | 0.7% |
330000 | 5818 | 0.7% |
Other values (8995) | 819011 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
5000 | 1 | < 0.1% |
5600 | 1 | < 0.1% |
5700 | 1 | < 0.1% |
5800 | 1 | < 0.1% |
6000 | 5 | < 0.1% |
6700 | 1 | < 0.1% |
7000 | 13 | |
7300 | 31 | |
7500 | 14 | |
7600 | 1 | < 0.1% |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
1418000 | 1 | |
1400000 | 1 | |
1388888.88 | 1 | |
1380000 | 1 | |
1360000 | 1 | |
1350000 | 1 | |
1348888 | 1 | |
1338888 | 1 | |
1328000 | 1 | |
1310000 | 1 |
Spearman's ρ
The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (ρ) is a measure of monotonic correlation between two variables, and is therefore better in catching nonlinear monotonic correlations than Pearson's r. It's value lies between -1 and +1, -1 indicating total negative monotonic correlation, 0 indicating no monotonic correlation and 1 indicating total positive monotonic correlation.To calculate ρ for two variables X and Y, one divides the covariance of the rank variables of X and Y by the product of their standard deviations.
Pearson's r
The Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) is a measure of linear correlation between two variables. It's value lies between -1 and +1, -1 indicating total negative linear correlation, 0 indicating no linear correlation and 1 indicating total positive linear correlation. Furthermore, r is invariant under separate changes in location and scale of the two variables, implying that for a linear function the angle to the x-axis does not affect r.To calculate r for two variables X and Y, one divides the covariance of X and Y by the product of their standard deviations.
Kendall's τ
Similarly to Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, the Kendall rank correlation coefficient (τ) measures ordinal association between two variables. It's value lies between -1 and +1, -1 indicating total negative correlation, 0 indicating no correlation and 1 indicating total positive correlation.To calculate τ for two variables X and Y, one determines the number of concordant and discordant pairs of observations. τ is given by the number of concordant pairs minus the discordant pairs divided by the total number of pairs.
Cramér's V (φc)
Cramér's V is an association measure for nominal random variables. The coefficient ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating independence and 1 indicating perfect association. The empirical estimators used for Cramér's V have been proved to be biased, even for large samples. We use a bias-corrected measure that has been proposed by Bergsma in 2013 that can be found here.Phik (φk)
Phik (φk) is a new and practical correlation coefficient that works consistently between categorical, ordinal and interval variables, captures non-linear dependency and reverts to the Pearson correlation coefficient in case of a bivariate normal input distribution. There is extensive documentation available here.First rows
month | town | flat_type | block | street_name | storey_range | floor_area_sqm | flat_model | lease_commence_date | resale_price | remaining_lease | |
0 | 1990-01 | JURONG WEST | 3 ROOM | 172 | BOON LAY DR | 04 TO 06 | 70.0 | IMPROVED | 1974 | 23400.0 | NaN |
1 | 1990-01 | JURONG EAST | 4 ROOM | 322 | JURONG EAST ST 31 | 07 TO 09 | 96.0 | NEW GENERATION | 1985 | 70000.0 | NaN |
2 | 1990-01 | JURONG EAST | 4 ROOM | 218 | JURONG EAST ST 21 | 10 TO 12 | 91.0 | NEW GENERATION | 1984 | 72000.0 | NaN |
3 | 1990-01 | JURONG EAST | 4 ROOM | 408 | PANDAN GDNS | 01 TO 03 | 97.0 | NEW GENERATION | 1978 | 60000.0 | NaN |
4 | 1990-01 | JURONG EAST | 4 ROOM | 251 | JURONG EAST ST 24 | 04 TO 06 | 90.0 | NEW GENERATION | 1982 | 72000.0 | NaN |
5 | 1990-01 | JURONG EAST | 4 ROOM | 251 | JURONG EAST ST 24 | 04 TO 06 | 90.0 | NEW GENERATION | 1982 | 87000.0 | NaN |
6 | 1990-01 | JURONG EAST | 4 ROOM | 232 | JURONG EAST ST 21 | 07 TO 09 | 98.0 | NEW GENERATION | 1982 | 71000.0 | NaN |
7 | 1990-01 | JURONG EAST | 4 ROOM | 316 | JURONG EAST ST 32 | 04 TO 06 | 104.0 | MODEL A | 1984 | 88000.0 | NaN |
8 | 1990-01 | JURONG EAST | 4 ROOM | 316 | JURONG EAST ST 32 | 10 TO 12 | 123.0 | MODEL A | 1984 | 75000.0 | NaN |
9 | 1990-01 | JURONG EAST | 4 ROOM | 316 | JURONG EAST ST 32 | 01 TO 03 | 105.0 | MODEL A | 1984 | 88000.0 | NaN |
Last rows
month | town | flat_type | block | street_name | storey_range | floor_area_sqm | flat_model | lease_commence_date | resale_price | remaining_lease | |
880838 | 2022-09 | GEYLANG | 3 ROOM | 91 | PAYA LEBAR WAY | 10 TO 12 | 67.0 | IMPROVED | 1972 | 328000.0 | 49 years 01 month |
880839 | 2022-09 | GEYLANG | 3 ROOM | 60 | CIRCUIT RD | 04 TO 06 | 56.0 | STANDARD | 1969 | 320000.0 | 45 years 05 months |
880840 | 2022-09 | CHOA CHU KANG | EXECUTIVE | 134 | TECK WHYE LANE | 10 TO 12 | 144.0 | APARTMENT | 1993 | 738000.0 | 69 years 10 months |
880841 | 2022-09 | CHOA CHU KANG | 5 ROOM | 453 | CHOA CHU KANG AVE 4 | 07 TO 09 | 123.0 | PREMIUM APARTMENT | 2000 | 525000.0 | 76 years 06 months |
880842 | 2022-09 | CHOA CHU KANG | 4 ROOM | 5 | TECK WHYE AVE | 04 TO 06 | 104.0 | MODEL A | 1984 | 451000.0 | 60 years 08 months |
880843 | 2022-09 | CHOA CHU KANG | 4 ROOM | 816B | KEAT HONG LINK | 13 TO 15 | 92.0 | MODEL A | 2017 | 565000.0 | 94 years 01 month |
880844 | 2022-09 | CHOA CHU KANG | 4 ROOM | 691A | CHOA CHU KANG CRES | 16 TO 18 | 91.0 | MODEL A | 2003 | 465000.0 | 79 years 09 months |
880845 | 2022-09 | CHOA CHU KANG | 4 ROOM | 684D | CHOA CHU KANG CRES | 13 TO 15 | 90.0 | MODEL A | 2002 | 460000.0 | 79 years 01 month |
880846 | 2022-09 | CHOA CHU KANG | 4 ROOM | 487C | CHOA CHU KANG AVE 5 | 13 TO 15 | 93.0 | MODEL A | 2016 | 520000.0 | 92 years 10 months |
880847 | 2022-09 | YISHUN | 5 ROOM | 677C | YISHUN RING RD | 04 TO 06 | 113.0 | IMPROVED | 2018 | 655000.0 | 95 years 02 months |
Most frequently occurring
month | town | flat_type | block | street_name | storey_range | floor_area_sqm | flat_model | lease_commence_date | resale_price | # duplicates | |
1231 | 2009-02 | PASIR RIS | 3 ROOM | 5 | CHANGI VILLAGE RD | 01 TO 03 | 66.0 | IMPROVED | 1981 | 177000.0 | 5 |
1228 | 2009-01 | PASIR RIS | 3 ROOM | 5 | CHANGI VILLAGE RD | 04 TO 06 | 66.0 | IMPROVED | 1981 | 177000.0 | 4 |
1233 | 2009-02 | PASIR RIS | 3 ROOM | 5 | CHANGI VILLAGE RD | 04 TO 06 | 66.0 | IMPROVED | 1981 | 177000.0 | 4 |
1240 | 2009-04 | PASIR RIS | 3 ROOM | 5 | CHANGI VILLAGE RD | 04 TO 06 | 66.0 | IMPROVED | 1981 | 177000.0 | 4 |
48 | 1990-08 | TOA PAYOH | 3 ROOM | 195 | KIM KEAT AVE | 04 TO 06 | 66.0 | IMPROVED | 1973 | 40000.0 | 3 |
66 | 1990-12 | ANG MO KIO | 4 ROOM | 334 | ANG MO KIO AVE 1 | 07 TO 09 | 91.0 | NEW GENERATION | 1982 | 80000.0 | 3 |
72 | 1990-12 | TOA PAYOH | 3 ROOM | 195 | KIM KEAT AVE | 07 TO 09 | 66.0 | IMPROVED | 1973 | 40000.0 | 3 |
86 | 1991-02 | ANG MO KIO | 3 ROOM | 343 | ANG MO KIO AVE 3 | 04 TO 06 | 73.0 | NEW GENERATION | 1978 | 47000.0 | 3 |
180 | 1992-09 | CLEMENTI | 3 ROOM | 714 | CLEMENTI WEST ST 2 | 07 TO 09 | 67.0 | NEW GENERATION | 1980 | 47000.0 | 3 |
332 | 1995-09 | BEDOK | 3 ROOM | 609 | BEDOK RESERVOIR RD | 04 TO 06 | 67.0 | NEW GENERATION | 1982 | 120000.0 | 3 |